8. CodeWarrior Documentation

This chapter gives you an insight into the technical diversity of CodeWarrior's documentation. It provides you with information on CodeWarriors documentaion resources to help you blend into the technical mainstream quickly and easily. The following topics are covered in this chapter:

CodeWarrior Online Help

CodeWarrior includes a wealth of online documentation covering all aspects of programming. Table 8.1 describes the different kinds of CodeWarrior online help and their functions.

CodeWarrior Platform Specific Online Help

The CodeWarrior online help on Windows, Mac OS, and UNIX provides core CodeWarrior documentation as well as a task oriented approach to learning the IDE. It consists of the following:

You can access online help by using the Help menu in the CodeWarrior IDE.

Table 8.1 Online Help Formats

WinHelp (Windows)
The Help format for Windows. Consists of reference manuals, task topics, core manuals, and a CodeWarrior specific glossary.
QuickHelp (Mac OS)
The QuickHelp format on Mac OS consists of the same content as WinHelp.
HyperHelp (UNIX)
HyperHelp format for UNIX consists of the same Help content as WinHelp.


The types of documentation you receive is specific to your platform. Please refer to the Documentation folder on the Reference CD for more information.

Cross-Platform Help Solutions

We provide cross-platform online assistance through two of the most popular and powerful formats - HTML and PDF.

Table 8.2 Cross-Platform Help

Cross-Platform Help


HTML files are small, fast, and provide quick and efficient mode of online documentation.


PDFs are compact and provide excellent printing qualities offering a near-perfect representation of the original.


CodeWarrior offers the following kinds of printed documentation. You can find the online versions of these manuals in the Doc-umentation\CodeWarrior folder on your CodeWarrior CD.

CodeWarrior Documentation

CodeWarrior documentation is classified as follows:


CodeWarrior also provides PDFs, HTML, and Online Help versions of documentation. Please see CodeWarrior Online Help for more information.

QuickStart Manuals

The QuickStart manual includes the basic information required to install and use CodeWarrior, its documentation, a simple tutorial to create a C console application, and information on contacting Metrowerks for technical support, as well as registering, buying, or licensing a product. Please refer to QuickStart Professional for desktop products and QuickStart Embedded for CodeWarrior embedded products.

User Guides

The User Guides provide information you need to effectively use the CodeWarrior software. All common features available in the CodeWarrior IDE are documented in its user guide. For example, Inside CodeWarrior:IDE User Guide discusses the powerful features of the CodeWarrior IDE, its debugger, and RAD (Rapid Application Development) in great detail. Please refer to Targeting manuals for target specific information.

Targeting Manuals

CodeWarrior offers a wide range of Targeting manuals for several platforms. These manuals describe how to use CodeWarrior to develop code for a specific platform or processor. Targeting manuals also include information about platform-specific features that are not found in a common user guide. Table 8.3 lists a few of the many targeting manuals we offer.

Table 8.3 Targeting Manuals

Targeting Manuals
Targeting Windows
Targeting Mac OS
Mac OS
Targeting Java VM
Java VM on Windows, Mac, and Solaris

Reference Manuals

The Reference manuals provide descriptive reference information of a language (C/C++/Java/Pascal) or a programming API (MSL, PowerPlant, etc). Reference manuals normally apply to all CodeWarrior supported platforms. However, there are exceptions. While the C, Java, and Pascal reference manuals are all cross-platform, PowerPlant Reference is not.


The online version of the QuickStart, User Guides, Targeting, and Reference manuals are located in the \\Documentation\ CodeWarrior folder. Many of the CodeWarrior manuals are also available in printed form and can be ordered directly from the Metrowerks store. For more information on ordering, see "CodeWarrior Factory Store."


To aid your learning curve, CodeWarrior consists of a comprehensive set of books and documentation provided by some of our partners in the industry today. While CodeWarrior documentation is produced and supported by Metrowerks, the third-party documentation is included for your benefit. Please refer to the Partner folder on the Reference CD for a comprehensive set of third-party books.


The CodeWarrior CD also provides additional third party programming books written by popular authors that cover programming on different platforms and languages supported by the CodeWarrior IDE. Please refer to the Books folder for the list of books provided for your convenience.


These books are available only in PDF format and are provided as a service to our users. Due to licensing restrictions these PDF files do not allow printing.

Other References

Table 8.4 lists several third-party books available in your favorite local or online bookstore that can assist you in getting up to speed on your programming projects.


For your convenience, the CodeWarrior CD often provides software documentation from other companies. Please see the \\Documentation\Other folder for a list of manuals. The format used in these manuals are specific to their company.

Table 8.4 Other programming books of interest

To learn
Read this book
New C Primer by Michael Waite and Stephen Prata Teach Yourself C by Herb Schildt The C Programming Language, 2nd Edition by B. Kernighan and D. Ritchie
C++ Primer Plus, 3rd Edition by Stephen Prata Teach Yourself C++ by Herb Schildt The C++ Programming Language, 2nd Edition by Bjarne Stroustrup.
Metrowerks CodeWarrior Programming by Dan Parks Sydow Power Macintosh Programming Starter Kit by Tom Thompson
Advanced Windows® by Jeffrey Richter Programming Windows® 95 by Arnold Petzold
Mac OS
Macintosh Programming Techniques by Dan Parks Sydow Macintosh C Programming Primer, Volume 1 by D. Mark & C. Reed Programming Starter Kit for Macintosh by Jim Trudeau Ultimate Macintosh Programming by Dave Mark


For your convenience, CodeWarrior provides documentation viewers such as Acrobat Reader, QuickHelp, and Internet Explorer with its documentation. Please see the Viewers folder on the CD to install preferred documentation viewers.

Web Sites of Interest

Programming tools change fast and access to the latest information about a particular technology or programming environment is vital. Listed below are some of the major Web sites where developer information can be obtained:

Table 8.5 Web sites

For information on this target
See this Web site
Mac OS
Palm OS
PowerPC Embedded
Windows CE

Beginner's Resources

Always refer to the CodeWarrior website (www.metrowerks.com) for a detailed description and comprehensive listing of printed and online books, online tutorials, and additional information on programming with CodeWarrior.

CodeWarrior Beginners

For a beginner's tryst with CodeWarrior, see Core Tutorials. They cover the basics of using CodeWarrior. In addition, refer to the IDE User Guide for more in-depth information on creating, editing, compiling, and debugging your software projects.

Language Beginners

For language basics, see the reference manuals for all supported languages (C, C++, and Java). Language manuals are located on your CodeWarrior CD at:


Also, refer to the various third party commercial books located at .


Programming Beginners

For assistance in creating programs for a particular operating system, see the appropriate Targeting manual for the project. Targeting manuals provide all the information you need to successfully program a specific processor or operating system, including additional tutorials and examples.

Factory Updates

Metrowerks makes software updates available through its Web site to enhance features or correct bugs in an existing CodeWarrior product. You may download these updates and apply them to the CodeWarrior software installed on your computer.

For information on the latest patches to CodeWarrior software, see http://www.metrowerks.com.

Visit the Metrowerks website at: http://www.metrowerks.com
For assistance contact Metrowerks Technical Support at: support@metrowerks.com
Copyright © 1999, Metrowerks Corp. All rights reserved.

Last updated: May 25, 1999 * Chris Magnuson * John Roseborough